Alexandra Shaw

Several winters back, in 1993, after reading about Shamen, particularly Cherokee Holy men and women since I am a Cherokee descendant, I decided that to attain heightened spiritual gifts from God I must go on a vision quest.

I pitched a tent in the snow and for three nights slept on the frozen ground. I prayed to God, lit sage for purification and cleansing, and played Carlos Nakai’s Indian flute music tapes to put my mind in a peaceful and receptive state. I stayed alone in the tent each night, praying, seeking, and asking for an increase in my spiritual gifts, as God willed it, not myself. I also fasted food, not water, to clear my body, mind and spirit for those three days time. This was about 10 days before the full moon.

Little seemed to happen. I figured maybe I had not done it right and that’s why I didn’t get BIG results. On the first night of the full moon something woke me at 2:30 a.m. telling me to get up, dress and go into town. I thought for sure I was flipping out and talking to myself. I argued that a blizzard was coming. The voice became a presence of light, more like a mist at first, then gradually taking the shape of an angel, telling me not to be afraid and that we needed to go downtown NOW and to take my good coat with me, not the one I wore daily. I was a little freaked out as you might imagine, but this angel was insisting. I got dressed and drove into town.

I kept arguing with the angel about why I had to bring my good coat. I had paid a lot for it and almost never wore it. The angel told me I would know soon. He told me to stop the car and put my coat in a big plastic trash bag and place the coat by the statues of a farm family memorial.

The angel told me to circle the block and go back by the farm family statues in about five minutes. I raved aloud about my madness and how crazy I must be to be letting my imagination run wild. The angel put his finger to his lips and kept saying, “Be quiet and go back to the statue.”

When I got back there was a homeless woman, with her two suitcases sitting in the snow, putting on my coat. The angel spoke to me and said, “Now do you see why we had to come here? She was cold and had no coat and you had two, one you never use. What did it hurt you to give up that coat? You can go home to a warm bed and she at least has a coat so she won’t freeze to death tonight. Aren’t you glad you came here tonight? Remember to pray for the homeless, Alex.”. With that, the angel disappeared, leaving me speechless and ashamed of my bickering and my greed over my extra coat.

Two weeks later, while in a restroom stall at the public library, I heard flushing and then water splashing and then flushing again. Thinking it was children playing, I looked under the stall and there was my coat on the floor. The homeless lady was taking a bath in the clean toilet water beside me in the next stall. I left crying and praying for her and all of the homeless throughout the world. I still do. I consider it my reasonable service to God to pray for them and all globally that need help.

My vision quest gave me the ability to see angels, but also taught me I could live with less and to be mindful to help those that have a real need.

That was my first angel sighting. Ask God to help you with a vision quest of your own. It will change you forever in the way He has for you, not your way. Seek direction and leading from Him on how to go about your vision quest. Pray and ask Him to guide you. You will be led by your Holy Spirit as you submit to God, to seek this wisdom from Him. Do whatever things, or go wherever He leads you. That is where you will find the answers you seek.

You may see angels or just increase your spiritual visions or feelings. Either way, you get more than you give. To see the angels you must let go of all anger, hatred & unforgiveness within your soul. Ask for the ability to see and talk to angels if that is what you want. Only God can help us with these things and he is willing to give us all the wisdom and knowledge we ask for. Remember to thank Him for His help. Keep your faith high and your eyes open. Things will change in ways for you that you never imagined.

Good luck on your spiritual vision quest and the beginnings of your communication with the angels. You will never regret it.


Copyright to Alexandra Shaw, 972.504.6824 1998.